[Reader Q&A #2] – WordPress Updates

Here’s the latest Stylish & Smart Reader Q&A episode. This time, I’ll answer Kristina’s question about those pesky WordPress Update Nags and whether or not you need to pay attention to them.

Check it out.

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  1. Sherri Ewton Raguth on June 30, 2015 at 1:25 pm

    Just a little headsup – if your designer has done anything custom in your site and/or theme – that is the reason they say to NOT update the wordpress. What we do is update plugins. Then when there is a wordpress update, I backup the site, then with the designer on call as I update wordpress. We have had things go a little sideways but it was a simple fix and didn’t take an hour to take care of.

    • Kelly on June 30, 2015 at 2:00 pm

      Hi Sherri, Thanks for this tip. This is tricky because it depends on how the designer has made the customizations. The best way to avoid update problems with customizations is to be sure that they are made as a child theme – and not in the core them or plugin files. So yes, if your site has customizations, you’ll need to ask if they were made as a child theme, or in the original theme. If they were made in the child theme, you should be good to go, as the whole reason for making a child theme is so that it isn’t affected my updates.

  2. Mostafizur Rahman Jewel on October 6, 2015 at 2:18 am

    Hi Kelly,
    Thanks for nice and very helpful video in the YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIBrgOdArGA.
    have tried exactly like the way you have explained, but did not work
    finally. I am Writing you from Bangladesh which is very far from you.
    I am using the WordPress 4.3.1 running Toolbox theme. Shortcode plugin has been installed and activated.

    Would you be so kind to help me?
    Sorry to write in different place.