Support Services

WordPress Maintenance Packages

Don’t loose sleep over the possibility that your website could get hacked or go down without a backup.

Your website is extremely valuable. You spent time, sweat, and energy crafting the perfect messages and choosing the right images to show your brand in a stylish & smart way. You stand to not only loose the investment you made putting the site up, but also the lost opportunities you’d face if your site were to suddenly go down without a backup or if it were to get hacked.

If your website is left month after month unchecked, hackers and outdated software can cause extensive damage to your site and thousands of dollars to fix.

That’s why you need to keep your website up to date and secure in our hands under a maintenance plan. 

We offer the following WordPress Maintenance package in your choice of either a monthly or annual payment option. You can cancel your subscription at any time (no refunds on annual payment), so there’s nothing to lose. Don’t take the risk of losing the site you’ve put so much hard work into.

Our WordPress Maintenance Package Includes:

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ ][su_service title=”WordPress Updates” icon=”icon: bell” icon_color=”#F5CA57″]WordPress core, plugin, and theme updates so you have the latest versions and latest security fixes.[/su_service]

[su_service title=”Compatibility Support” icon=”icon: warning” icon_color=”#F5CA57″]Up to 1 hour of compatibility support. If something breaks because of update incompatibilities, we’ll fix it! If it will take more than an hour, we’ll roll back to the last update and contact you with recommendations.[/su_service]

[su_service title=”Spam Management” icon=”icon: flag-o” icon_color=”#F5CA57″]Monitoring of all comments to prevent annoying spam and messages[/su_service]

[/su_column][su_column size=”1/2″ ][su_service title=”Regular Backups” icon=”icon: life-saver” icon_color=”#F5CA57″]We’ll create and manage backups on a schedule that works for you. We’ll keep one copy on your server, and send one copy off-site for safe storage. You’ll always have access to your most recent backup.[/su_service]

[su_service title=”Malware Protection” icon=”icon: bug” icon_color=”#F5CA57″]Malware scan & real-time monitoring to assure your site isn’t a target for getting hacked.[/su_service]

[su_service title=” Page Speed Test” icon=”icon: dashboard” icon_color=”#F5CA57″]We’ll test your home page to make sure visitors can access your site fast and keep your SEO score high[/su_service][/su_column][/su_row]

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#F85A61″ color=”#ffffff” size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px ” class=”button2″]Get Started – $69 paid monthly[/su_button]


[su_button url=”″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#F85A61″ color=”#ffffff” size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px ” class=”button2″]Get Started – Save $39 and pay $790 annually[/su_button]

*Although we perform security checks and do everything we can to keep your site secure, hacks and data loss still may occur.
We are not responsible for any loss that may occur.


Quick Fix Support

If you’ve got a problem and we’ve got a quick fix, we can help via email or phone. Usually, to qualify for this service, we will indicate the quick fix option is available. Once we’ve chatted about your issue, enter your email address to check out and let us know you’re ready for support.


Preferred Contact Email



Problem Diagnosis

If something’s going on that’s troubling you, we can help! We’ll look into your issue, whether it’s something that’s acting strange on your website, or you’re in the middle of working on something and you run into trouble. We’ll diagnose the issue and provide a recommended solution. If it requires further work from us, we’ll provide a free quote for service and apply your diagnosis fee towards the work if you accept the quote within 72 hours.

Problem Diagnosis Includes:

  • Thorough analysis of problem (requires site login information and access to hosting control panel)
  • Email response detailing our findings and a recommended solution to address the issue
  • If issue requires further work from us, Free quote for service provided
  • If service accepted within 72 hours, diagnosis fee is applied toward quote


Preferred Contact Email